Website Autoresponders

Automate Your Small Business with Autoresponders

For small business owners looking to cut costs, an autoresponder can handle many of the administrative tasks involved in the sales and customer service process. Also known as mailbots and automatic email, these online tools can put your business on autopilot. Designed to automatically respond to any emails received, they’re great business builders that can decrease your workload.
Autoresponders are quick and cost-effective solutions to moving customers and prospects along in your business cycle.

As web 2.0 becomes more prevalent in the day-to-day functions of customers as well as businesses, the use of autoresponders will increase instead of being eliminated as some predict.

Social media capabilities may lead to changes in the location of the output of autoresponders. So instead of messages being sent to a customers inbox on their pc, in the future messages may be pushed to their Facebook account or some other web 2.0 property.

Even so, no matter how interactive your web experience becomes, at some point you won’t be available and an autoresponder can help maintain connections at those times.

Responses to frequently asked questions and standard inquiries can be loaded into your autoresponder to deliver requested information in a matter of seconds.

Welcome and thank you letters, order confirmations, price lists, advertising rates, coupons, reports and information regarding your can automatically provided to customers and prospects without interrupting your business.

Unlike mass email messages, autoresponders can be segmented for specific customers. For example, you can create a series of autoresponder messages based on where a prospect is within your sales cycle. New customers may need different information than your long time customers. As their status changes, you can move them to another list of preloaded messages. At all phases of interacting with your company, clients will feel as if the emails were made just for them.

When running a business, it’s crucial to keep customers informed of changes. Imagine as you add new products and services, you can notify clients in minutes with an autoresponder campaign.

No longer will it take weeks and a complete overhaul of marketing materials to advertise new products available for purchase.

As you build a good relationship with them through email, they will come to anticipate your new offers. Many customers feel privileged to be the first to know of new developments.

An autoresponder can make running business a lot easier and more profitable. Let an autoresponder handle tasks like answering questions and sending out announcements about your company, so you an spend more time on business building activities.